Anointing of the Sick
Please call the parish office at any time if you or a member of your family seeks the Sacrament. In case of hospitalization, please inform the admissions office that you are a Catholic, or let your nurse know you would like to see a priest. The hospital will then inform the priest on duty.
Por favor llame a la oficina para solicitar uncion de los enfermos. En caso de hospitalización, por favor informe a la oficina de admisiones que es Catolico, o notifique a su enfermera que le gustaria ver a un sacerdote. El hospital informara al sacerdote en turno.
Assisted Living/Home Communion
For Holy Communion, please contact the parish office. A Eucharistic Minister will visit you and attend to your needs. In the case of an assisted living facility, please inform the activities director that you are a Catholic, so that they will be able to notify the church.
Si desea recibir comunion, por favor llame a la oficina. Un ministro de eucaristia lo visitara y atendera sus necesidades. En caso de estar en una casa de asistencia, por favor informe al director de actividades que es catolico, ellos notificaran a la iglesia.