Membership is open to all practicing Catholic men 18 years or older.
For information on joining please contact:
Membership Director Everisto Perez at (702)642-7180 [email protected]
Grand Knight William Harmon at (702)646-3190 [email protected].
Membership is open any women 18 years or older. CDA strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. To join "Our Lady of Fatima" court #2781, contact:
Court Regent Connie Humphrey 702-460-7951
Court Recording Secretary Maria Haun at 702-418-2053 (for assistance in Spanish).
Les invitamos al grupo de oracion cada viernes de 7:00pm-9:00pm. No se admiten niños menores de 8 años. Para mayor informacion llamar a Lucia Benitez al 702-515-1605 o Angelica Avendaño 702-540-8363. Dios les Bendice.
Call 616-4900 for information, and to learn about other Women’s Health Care programs. For more information Log on to
Suffering in silence from the 'choice' of abortion? Healing and
reconciliation are here for the asking. Rachel's Vineyard retreat begins the process of restoring your relationships, starting with our Heavenly Father. The cost of the retreat is $175.
For additional information, call Kathleen 702-737-1672 or for Spanish Maria 702-283-8379.
Retrouvaille is a Catholic based program designed to help couples rediscover their love for each other. If you or someone you know is considering separation or divorce please urge them to sign up for Retrouvaille. This program helps couples with communication issues, addiction challenges, infidelity or parenting problems. The couples learn new techniques in communication and resolving conflicts. For more information please contact Chuck Moore 702-604-1006.
"So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect."
Set off your own fireworks by giving your spouse the gift of a World wide Marriage Encounter (WWME) weekend! The next weekend is onNovember 4&5th in Boulder City. To apply online, or for other weekend dates visit or call 702-589-0068
Bereavement Support Group-Nathan Adelson Hospice Tenaya (Mountain View Medical Bldg.) 3150 N. Tenaya Way, Suite 350, Las Vegas, NV 89128. (Please call for dates and time): (702) 796-3157
The group is open to anyone for up to 2 years post lost. The group starts at 10 a.m. every Wednesday in Room 2 of our Parish Hall, and runs for about 1-1/2 hours. Please call 228-8311 for more information.
If you or anyone you know has an unplanned pregnancy and needs help, please call (702) 737-1672.
Si usted o alguien que usted conozca tiene un embarazo no planeado y necesita ayuda, por favor llame al: (702) 737-1672
Living Grace Home (single moms in need of help/ madres solteras en necesidad de ayuda) 212-6472
Catholic Charities - Adoption 385-3351
Women Resource Center of Southern NV 366-1247
Rachel Vineyard/ Viñedo de Raquel 737-1672
First Choice Pregnancy Services 294-2273